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Hello beautiful soul🙂
This site has been in the making for 5 years
May the things that are shared here help you as much as they do to me🙂

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  • Note to the reader 

  • Crystals and a little on moldavite 

  • Energy healing, crystals and spirit guides 

  • Products and services

  • Pendulum crystals,grounding and healing with trees 

  • Meditation 

  • Healing oils

  • Mediumship 

  • The spirit world 

  • Reincarnation

  • Telepathy and channeling 

  • "How to choose a crystal" and Auras

  • Service to self: Negative entities🙂and how to incorporate them into our shadow work 

  • Ce-5 meditation, extraterrestrials, UFO's, My ufo experience 

  • Contractions and expansions (Mechanics of Creation)

  • Parallel realities, how to “Jump” between them and why feeling good is the most important thing

  • Skepticism, and how to look into negative beliefs and unravel them 

  • Emotional guidance system 

  • Diving deeper into pendulums 

  • More Products

  • Siddhis (psychic powers and abilities)

  • Why you can’t really make a mistake

  • Only by accepting ourselves, can we accept others and see the oneness of everything 

  • Tarot 

  • How to quit your job and start doing what you love 

  • "Why do we choose suffering?"

  • Feeling good

  • Book a mediumship session

  • Gratitude 

  • Money 

  • Dogs and plants on how they serve and help us, and vice versa; little on the metaphysical nature of life 

  • Celery juice and its benefits

  • COVID🙂

  • Anger, heavy emotions and how to transcend them

  • Airport charging stations; more on grounding 

  • Always ask yourself, "What’s the worse that can happen?"

  • Energy “protective bubble” and more on healing modalities 

  • You always have what you need 

  • Tektite crystal 

  • Selenite crystal and cutting karmic cords 

  • Other recommended crystals

  • Ark crystal bottle 

  • Patrick Flanagan, Neurophone and Sensor V

  • Gaia Channel 

  • Sage and how to use sage in your home and on yourself 

  • Mark Bajerski’s sacred cleansing negative energy palovite incense sticks 

  • A little more on energy healing, recommendations before a session and Q&A's. 

  • Disclaimer agreement 

  • Personal one on one sessions mentorship \ clarification program 

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Their function and how they work


Crystals are not dead like we might believe, they're a different form of life and are living and evolving just like all of creation.

their main function is to store memory and information (that is why we use them in our computers).

in the past and in the days of Atlantis and Lemuria we were tapping more into there power and usage,

from Delores canon books and many past life regressions people remembered we were using the crystals for buildings, healing and energy, they recalled that the crystals worked to light up cities and were used for creating energy for transportation.

We are only using a small fraction from the true magic of crystals.

They hold memory when using them for energy healing, they also absorb energies. Remember that crystals can be a wonderful tool to have on our path here in this lifetime.


is called the stone of awakening, it was formed with a meteorite impact to earth around 15 million years ago,  it is a glass like texture and is a  part of the tektite family.

moldovite is a powerful companion to have with you.

if allowed ,  it will raise your vibration and will speed up your spiritual catalyst, it will accelerate your lessons and evolvement on your journey here.

consider it a great aid for communication with extraterrestrials and can be used for psychic protection.

Moldovite can be found in the czech republic. In the past years and because of the massive wave of awakening our planet is having,  moldovite is becoming more and more rare and because of its high demand the market has a lot of non-genuine "moldovite".

it's always good to check it comes from a genuine dealer and was dug up in the Czech Republic.

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there are as many methods of energy healing as there are people, but the source is one.

each one can be a healer if he chose to, we are all born healers.

We are healing each other by sending love and positive thoughts and believing how the person we are thinking about is getting better.

A science experiment showed that if you think negative thoughts towards a bottle of water, the water starts becoming dirty and changes color.

we are the creators of what we experience.

energy healing for me means to clean my mind and allow energy to come through me and send it wherever it needs to go,

by understanding that, I can be a conductor of this wonderful healing energy. 


as was mentioned before, a crystals main function is to hold information,
when they are filled with healing and loving energy they will hold that memory.
when they are placed on you or in your home or wherever you chose to use them at they will bring that healing energy and spare it around them, they too, just like us, have an aura.


Considered the stone of love and is very relevant for humanity at this time. The rose quartz connects and represents our physical reality. The heart chakra (the forth energy center) at this time in our evolution earth is moving to a new density of light from third to forth, and as our bodies are adjusting to the new vibration of light, some physical representations may be of assistance to us.

The forth density is the density of love and understanding.

 I am sure if you are reading this you can feel a change in your being - we start to have more compassion and love for others, things that are not relevant will still be coming up for us for some time in order to transcend.

belief systems that are not in service and alignment will be brought up to the surface of our consciousness to be looked at and released.

Rose quartz crystals are great permission slips. We give to our selves to help in this transition.


Spirit guides

We all have spirit guides.

they can be our family members that passed in this incarnation or in others, they could be guides that we have karmic agreements with or beings that wish to be in service in this way.

Most of the time we have 2-3 personal guides that are with us from birth and others that come and go during our life, each of the guides has their area of “expertise” that they help us with.

For example I'm aware of 3 of my personal guides; one is an Indian chief who guides me to connect with trees, nature and healing. my second guide I am aware of is from Atlantis and guides me about crystals, healing and channeling, and  the third guide which feels like a female presence (which was confirmed to me as I was writing this) and some kind of earth element. I describe her as a fairy that guides me with channeling and the spirit realm and more things I am not aware of yet. 

I also feel a lot of guidance and support from my grandmother that passed, I feel she is with me a lot.

Our spirit guides communicate with us through the people we meet and mainly through our close friends and family, sometimes we may feel like asking a question or eagerly wanting to share a thought with someone. Those ideas may come from the guides of the person we are talking to that wish to give them some kind of message. It's important to know that when we open our selves up, we are able to receive as well as give guidance.

Crystals act as amplifiers and a bridge between us and the spirit world in order to receive and connect with our guides. Crystals raise our vibration so it is closer to our guides, and act as direct tools to receive messages. A perfect example is a pendulum.


below is a picture of the center :)(you are welcome  to visit by appointment🙂)

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Like it's been mentioned before, crystals are living beings and can connect with us in many different ways like acting as a bridge between us and our spirit guides, family in spirit, our own higher mind, and with time our higher self.
 Although there are crystals that are designed to act as pendulums (by their pointy shape) ANY crystal can be used as a pendulum by attaching it to a string and allowing it to spin freely.
Pendulums are easy to use and when our guides feel we need and are ready to receive information, we will be drawn to one.
  Although you could ask any question using a pendulum it is good to start with easy, day to day questions and once you feel comfortable, you can start asking more complex questions.

How to activate a pendulum?
In the days of Atlantis and Lemuria we had a vast access to crystals, and we had very advanced skills of telekinesis, we could move by thought, large stones and structures, we were able to connect to crystals and change 
their DNA and structure.
These abilities are kept hidden from us for now by the beings that govern our planet for us not to misuse them again like we did in the times of Atlantis that lead to its distraction.
As we continue to evolve, I believe more and more skills will be apparent and given to people. A possible example is Uri Geller who claimed he was able to move or bend physical objects with their mind.
We all have this ability within us and although there are many places you could learn to work with a pendulum, it's truly very simple and all you need to do is remove your doubts and expectations.

Practice - hold it in your hand and connect to the crystal. Ask if it's appropriate for you to receive answers to questions, sometimes it’s not the right time for you and so you may receive a "no" or the pendulum won’t move, know that it’s completely okay and it just means that your guides want to give you information in a different way, keep the crystal nearby, you will feel when it’s the right time to try again.
When you feel it’s the right time, pick up the crystal and hold it by its string and ask it to show you what is "yes" and what is "no". For me, "yes" is portrayed in a circular motion and "no" is back and forth but for each it’s different.
With time you will learn to open yourself up to your pendulum crystal and when you and your guides will feel it’s the right time, you will be inspired to ask more questions that are not only day to day advice but more guidance on your path as a soul as well as ask about other lives and how you could learn from them to help you in the most important one which is this one.

*A little side-note on parallel lives; It’s good to remember that what we understand, learn to do and overcome in this life effects all of our other/parallel lives, so focus on the current one 🙂.

Remember, the pendulum is a great tool for energy healing practitioners and can be used as a way to check and open chakras by holding it over your chakra's energy centers. 
But, most importantly is to remember that you already know all the answers to all your questions, always , and the pendulum is a promise slip we give to our selves to connect to the answers we know in our hearts.

Healing with nature, trees and the ocean 

I can’t recommend healing with nature  and connecting to trees enough, it is probably the easiest and most effective way of healing available to us and without throwing myself or anyone else under the bus, it is ALWAYS free 🙂

If you choose to open yourself up, you will start to feel everything have its own vibration, our bodies, even if we choose to believe they are separate from nature they are not. Our bodies are made from all the same elements nature is made out of. 
Anxiety, fear, and anger can be transmuted by touching or standing bear foot on the ground or grass for 10 min.
It doesn’t mean it will cure all of these things right away, but you'll feel much better immediately, for the reason that our body is a part from earth and by allowing the ground to cleanse us we are allowing and helping earth to do what it’s doing already anyway, with the difference being that there is awareness of the process and it is being done with intension that way it becomes much more effective.

First Practice- step one go outside🙂.
find a tree you feel connected to and trust your intuition when choosing. Preferably be barefoot, if not still great. Put your hand on the tree and if possible with your feet on the roots or on the ground, take some deep breaths, relax and calm your mind. Start feeling the tree with your hand and visualize (using your third eye) how the tree is connected to the earth, how it’s roots cover the ground and spread deep within the earth, pay attention to the sounds of the branches and leaves moving, feel your hands connect to the tree and allow yourself to become one with it. Imagine that everything that is not in service to you anymore like old thoughts, beliefs, fears, and anxiety slowly flow from your hands and body to the tree and its roots and from there, into the earth, transmuting them into love. Don’t feel that you are hurting the tree in any way, earth does this with love to you, know that you are being nurtured and protected by mother earth and she is happy to help and clean its children🙂. Take as much time as you can doing this practice. You will feel much better after. When you're done, thank the tree for transmuting this energy and know that trees can feel and understand, you can pour a glass of water and bless it with loving thoughts before drinking it after this process as a ritual.
Enjoy 🙂

Second Practice -
The ocean is even more effective for us to clean ourselves form unwanted information,
We always find ourselves more relaxed near the ocean and water. There is something cleansing and calming about it.

Remember, to do these rituals with intention and awareness.
Find a beach, lake or any place with rainwater (in this practice I will refer to the ocean) and sit in the water. allow the water to relax your body and mind, listen to the waves, and be grateful for the ocean for being of service to remove any irrelevant energy that no longer serves you. You can also imagine yourself as a cube of sugar in water. If the temperature is warm enough, sugar will melt, and become one with the water. Essentially this is what you'll want to visualize.
Imagine strings of dark and dirty energy being poured into the ocean like rivers from your fingers to your feet into the ocean, feel how relaxed you become. Remain in the water for 10 minutes. When you're done, thank the ocean or the body of water you were in, for healing and helping you.

The ocean is also a great cleanser for your crystals. Just dip them once in the water and they're good as new🙂

Finally, It’s good for us to remember that physical reality is merely a projection, we can travel and experience things just by imagining them. Visualization is just as effective as going somewhere in this physical reality. Taking our body’s to nature, with desire and practice, we could sit anywhere and by visualizing ourselves connecting to nature and releasing the unwanted information we are able to feel renewed. You can choose one of  the practices mentioned or you can create your own, be creative!🙂 

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Unlike what we may have heard 🙂 

meditation doesn't have to mean that you have to be sitting like a pretzel🙂 with legs behind your head and levitating in the air (unless you choose to of course🙂) 

The point of meditation, is to bring the mind to be single focused 🙂 so by choosing to take your attention, or (who you are🙂) 

To experience something else other than thoughts (which is just another sense organ just like our ability to hear, taste, or smell….)🙂

So by taking our Awareness, (again, what we really are🙂) 

to a neutral sensation, that we didn’t put to much meaning on🙂 

like for example the sound of water in the shower, the sound of the noise of the AC, looking at a candle or just listening to birds🙂  

or really anything that you don’t think to much about before and can just relax into it🙂

By doing so the mind (which is just thoughts🙂)

Will slowly relax (because you will take your attention-and again which is who you are , from it🙂)

And by doing so you create a space between yourself and thoughts🙂

by doing it your body and mind will start to relax and heal itself 🙂 

and you will gradually start to connect back🙂 (not that we ever really lose the connection although it may feel like it🙂)

To the universal mind where EVERYTHING is connected and always available🙂

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Couple of years ago when I was In Spain learning energy healing in the academy of mark I saw the oils he was making and wanted to do it since.

I never got into doing it since recently after watching him talk on YouTube about his oils,

There is something really magical in oil.

 From many experiments done on water, we learn that it holds information we put into it. ( you are more then welcome to check the experiments done by emoto masaru on water and the affects it had, it blown my mind🙂)

Oils feel like it holds the energy and information we put into it stronger maybe because of the density of it, not sure exactly why but oils are truly a great tool to have with us here.

We can use them for healing the body, give them as gifts to others and use drops on crystals , plants and in there soil (I actually finding myself putting crystals in plants they seemed to like it🙂) 

The oils on the website comes with a lot of love put into them together with healing energy, inside the oils I use crystals that helped me and had being with me for awhile and hold healing and learning energy, you can use them on healing sessions on clients or on yourself or give them as gift for someone that may need them.

They are strong so you can use small amounts and they should last you for a while.

If you want to have a large amount of them buy grape seed oil get a jar and add the healing oils into it give it your loving energy and mix them together🙂

as of now the oil hold the energy of - many many hours of healing energy and the energy of, rose quartz crystals, moldovite, tektite crystal with healing energy in it, chevron amethyst, citrine crystal, pyrite crystal the oils also have in them some of marks healing oils🙂.

 All the crystals have being or hold the energy of healing learning and growth,they go inside the oil after there are full of love🙂.

I use grape seed oil for base oil and add lavender oil for fragrance and the oil himself.

The oil then goes into smaller bottles and is placed near the healing bed and the healing session so they absorb more of the healing energy and only then they go on sell🙂

You can find the Energy healing oil Bottles at the store price - $99

Comes with free shipping🙂

In the picture me and mark in my curse on Spain and the healing oil 🙂

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For me mediumship opened completely unexpectedly (probably because I had no insistence on it) I was opening myself up to channeling and communication with spirit guides and E.Ts.

I don’t remember exactly when but I believe one day in my aunt house after feeling angry at my dad I heard my grandmother which passed tell me in my thoughts that he loves me and I should forgive him and he just doesn’t know any better🙂

And sometime after that with each month it became more and more stronger I guess it is something that was there but I never paid attention to it, at work people that I never meet come and there is always a conversation starting about someone that just passed or someone they are missing and then I “feel” something like tingling in the top of my head and words start to come out most of the time it’s about that there loved ones are always around them and many times conformations about things come out.

Can I prove it? Probably not although there where many experiments with mediums that is hard to contradict but it is something you need to experience by yourself and be even slightly open to the idea because otherwise free will will kick in and you will be able to choose if you want to believe and experience it.🙂

in experiments that was made it shows the energy of skepticism effects the results of the mediumship.

I saw many demonstrations of mediumship that the mediumship gave facts and validations that he couldn’t possibly know about the client (unless he had follow him for couple of years before the sessions or more unlikely during public demonstrations🙂) 

And will all of that we can still be skeptical about the idea, I too can find myself having second thoughts. the reason we do that because we are afraid to be tricked and made fun of, so we close ourselves to any idea that doesn’t fit the agreed collective ideas, it takes us time to open up to different view points just like extraterrestrials different dimensions and reality’s. for some reason we believe that if we open ourselves to one idea we won’t be able to stop it. and although it’s good to have some skepticism and the ability to choose what to believe and although it’s true that there are many things that we can choose not to resonate with or be open to if we just block ourselves out or being to scared to be open we might miss many many things that can serve us on our journey here. 

And with that it’s good to be grounded I guess balance is the right word.

In conclusion the large point of mediumship is to help us understand that we never really die and life continues in different realms of reality that with time we all will be able to connect freely and easily with and there won’t be need for mediums because everyone will be🙂

And also to remember that our pets just like our loved ones will continue to communicate with from the spirit world to assure us that they never really leave🙂

-in the picture is my grandmother who helps me from the spirit world with the communications and me (as my grandfather is my past life with my dad and my ant🙂) 

and a picture of James van pragh someone I love who helped me a lot recommend his book and works for everyone who are interested in mediumship or to answer some questions they have about spirit. 

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Just like our planet is an aspect of consciousness so is the spirit world🙂

The spirit world is in a different vibratory existence🙂(that’s why we can’t often see it🙂) 

And just like on earth so does the spirit world have beings that live there and choose to experience reality form that perspective🙂 

And like bashar says we never truly leave spirit🙂(but dreaming this physical reality🙂, and the larger aspect of us is still there🙂)

The spirit world is the place we can choose to stay or to incarnate on different realms of existence🙂.  (and because everything happens simultaneously, and there is no space🙂 we can have an experience in the spirit world and have an incarnation or better to say a portion of ourselves🙂) 

If I connect to my grandmother energy in the spirit world I “feel” her as having white clothes,(and much younger then I remember her🙂) 

Doing some kind of meditation and bringing this information for me to write so actually she is channeling as well🙂

The spirit world have houses, libraries, and schools you can say it is similar to earth but it’s really much different🙂 

people there know they are dreaming and create what they experience so the environment is much different🙂

Like I said you can stay there if you wish but most of us choose to come here (or different planets) because of the learning and expansion experience🙂

I recommend three wonderful books and a movie if you choose to explore the spirit world a little more.


Deloress canon - between life and death, the first book I read about the spirit world🙂  tells in detail many many fascinating things about the other realm. 

Nasso lar - wonderful book about aclonley in the spirit world.

The world unseen - channeled text by a being from the spirit world🙂

flying high in spirit- a true story about mom who communicates with her son who passed to the spirit world🙂

and tell her in the book, about his reason for leaving so soon and about the world beyond the physical. 

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And again if our core belief is that what we experience is solid and real the idea of reincarnations will be a wonderful fairy tale🙂

There are religions that accepted the idea of past lives🙂,  but believe that past lives can happen only in that religion,  or that the soul will always choose to incarnate in that religion.

and although the soul (which is you🙂) can choose to have many experience from a particular religion.🙂

it will also choose as many experiences it can have which includes many other religions and other planets and civilizations as well🙂

And being man woman or others beings is definitely something your soul (again which is you🙂) will choose to experience.

As the vibration of the collective is rising so the higher self starts to release more and more memories and information about past (parallel actually because everything is here and now🙂)  lives.

Many many of us start to remember individually and collectively other existences🙂

2 years ago I had a wonderful past life regression that I remembered two lives one in cumran Israel and one in Egypt in the construction of the great pyramids🙂 and got validations about my ufo experiences and extraterrestrial connection🙂

I get glimpses to other lives frequently🙂 mainly when it’s relevant to something Or someone I experience🙂 and this remembering will benefit me in some way🙂

If the subject of reincarnation is interesting to you and you wish to explore it little more🙂

I recommend this books to start with-

Delores canon - five life rememberd

Many lives many masters - Brian wiess 

Enjoy ❤️

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Unlike what we may have heard or believe we can’t think other people thoughts🙂

but we actually do , we change our frequency to the same vibration length as the other person🙂

 and while being on the same wave length we think the same thoughts🙂

When we physically close to people our aura meet and we start to think similar thoughts as well (so check how you are near🙂)

The thoughts with the stronger vibration will dominate the filed🙂(that’s why one positive vibration thought or person can change many negative in its environment🙂) 

and then two( or more 🙂)  people will be thinking similar or very similar thoughts.

Channeling and trance channeling work in similar way but a little different🙂

In channeling while the Chanel is awake the being that get Channeled using the Chanel mind🙂

 Thoughts ,memory ,experiences ,beliefs imagines and anything that can be helpful to get the massages through🙂 

when I get massages form spirit guides or from some family members of people that I meet🙂who wish to give them a massage🙂

it can usually come by memories,things I saw, book I have read , or just comforting thoughts, 

and the understanding that they are with them all the time.🙂

I get the impressions by my head tingling or just this “knowing” there is a massage to give🙂.

Other mediums and channelers work in different ways and there is probably infinite ways for this to happen🙂

Trance channeling is little different that the Chanel is “out” (not really out of the body but his consciousness is in a  different space, that is in between the channeler and the being that get channeled🙂)

For example the Chanel can feel his in a nice garden or different planet or anything else🙂.

Sometimes the vibration of the being is so much different then the Chanel🙂 

that for the massages to come through this usually will need to happen🙂 for them to meet in a middle vibrational ground in between🙂

The reason Bashar civilization calls it “telmpty”🙂 from the word “empathy” which means that to “hear” other people thoughts, you need to be In love with them🙂 or other words to be on  the same wave length🙂

I add pictures of two books that helped me a lot to get open to channeling🙂

 if you wish to explore the concepts more in depth🙂

One of the books is by sanya Roman🙂  and one of someone I love form Israel that helped me a lot🙂 (it is in Hebrew for my Israeli readers🙂) 


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You could say it’s an mutual thing as the crystal also choose you, if we choose to be attuned and open we could see a crystal that stands out from others and we are attracted too, i could probably write a lot about the process but it really is a natural process that the crystal is attracted to be in service and evolve by being our companion on our journey,
So probably the best way is to trust your heart and your first intuition when choosing a crystal.

crystals and aura-
Some people which are sensitive can see aura around other people and them selves, aura holds our vibration and our information and is like our invisible business card🙂 
We can feel each other energy vibration and thoughts if we chose to, when we are near other people our aura is connecting to there’s and we receive information for them,  after the information we need is giving some information witch is unwanted will still  remain in our aura, it can be easily removed by a meditation that we visualize a a sphere of light around us and we ask for it to clear and remove any unwanted information.
with our evolution we will be more and more sensitive to energy and auras and eventually become telepathic and will have all the information we will need just by thinking of others.
Crystal when worn or besides us connect there aura to ours, and help to transmute our energy.

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Just like we have spirit guides we also have guides that work on the negative path🙂 (I believe we choose both before our incarceration🙂) 

When we choose to be on either side positive or negative 🙂 , we attract to ourselves guides form each side 🙂

they only difference is that the positive guides will wait and respect your free will as much as possible🙂

 before delivering there massages🙂

and the service to self guidance (negative🙂) and guides will project there ideas thoughts and beliefs with your approval or without🙂

The more positive or negative you will become🙂

the more you will attract to yourself both sides🙂

To explore and experience both sides of Creation and decide which one you will choose to experience 🙂

The type of guides and the “higher” (the reason for the “ 🙂 is that although it may look like we are progressing our core being our true self , never changes and is always perfect and complete🙂)

The higher Your vibration will be🙂 the higher the vibration of this guides you will attract to yourself will be as well🙂 

and the “higher” the beings the smarter they become🙂 

some negative beings depending on their vibration , can easily sound to you like positive beings 🙂 that want for your benefit.

So how to see the difference?🙂

  1. True positive beings won’t Project or inforse any ideas on to you🙂 (unless it can truly save your life 🙂in some situations and even then,  they will check if it’s your free will to experience this)

  1. Contractions🙂,  if you feel contractions in your vibration filed , it can indicted that the thought you are receiving is not in alignment 🙂and doesn’t serve you or comes form your positive guidance🙂 ( although some things may feel good to us 🙂 they may still come form our negative guidance, like greed, pride or similar emotions🙂  our job is of determination and of integrity to what we choose to connect and resonate with 🙂

  1. An easy way is to check with your pendulum is the guidance your receiving comes form your higher self and guides🙂

  1. And mainly and actually really simple🙂 is the difference  that service to others(positive) guidance , see itself in everything🙂 and everyone🙂  and service to self (negative) see itself differently and separated by either feeling of being better or worse then others.🙂

Acceptance love forgiveness and understanding are the key🙂

Any being in creation chooses what he believes is that most benefits him 🙂

so understanding that everyone is acting to the best that they know how will help us understand and accept any guidance🙂

having said that we have the free choice to choose what we feel that resonate for us and say yes or no🙂

the power is always ours🙂

If you choose the positive path (which you probably are if you readings this🙂) 

One of a great modalities (and there are infinite ones🙂)

Is to ask to cover yourself with a sphere of white protective light, and ask god/source/spirit or any name you choose that you believe in🙂 (there are more in detail about this on the website, check energy protective bubble article🙂)

To remove and release unwanted energy form you 🙂 and your auric fields -  ask to remove energy that doesn’t see itself in everything and don’t see god/source/sprit.. in itself , from you🙂

How to incorporate negative beings and shadow work🙂-

Understanding that we choose our experience and we choose our guides positive or negative🙂 for our growth and evolution is probably one of the most beneficial ways🙂

If we can start to accept the idea that negative entities actually helps us , will in detention change the way we look at them from negative to positive🙂

The way they do it is by brings forward and “pressing our buttons” that get us triggered🙂 and by doing so brings up to our attention things we need to look at to transcend ,love and let go off🙂

So in reality what they do for us , is to accelerate our growth and evolution🙂 

and the more things we can clear up in one life time will save us many many incarnations🙂

So shadow work is , us to transcend our beliefs ideas concepts and thoughts , that are disconnected from the unity of all things🙂 

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7 years ago after watching Steven Greer movie  “sirius”🙂  I got obsessed with doing a CE-5 meditation , ( a peaceful way to connect to E.T’s and ask them to come to your location🙂) 

And started doing It I think maybe every day or every other day ,for two years 🙂(I got very interested in the pyramids as well🙂)

I saw many interesting things in the sky, but only when I went to Barbados with a couple of our friends, and right after a 30 min ce-5 meditation we opened our eyes and a size of a house UFO craft was gliding in complete silence over our heads🙂

 it was 3 am and you could see the stars through it or more accurately you could almost see the stars , (I guess some kind of reflection technology or clocking , yep science fiction slowly become since fact🙂🙂.  I guess the ideas had to come form somewhere) 

And after that all of this started🙂

I really had no idea about any of this stuff before or even new they existed🙂

I feel I was activated or something like that🙂 and 80% of my karmic connections was burned out and the other 20% I had to work through in the next couple of years by myself🙂

So ufos are real.  (well as real as anything in the dream we dreaming🙂)

and yes there are positive and negative E.T,  just like everything in creation🙂

And it’s our job is to choose what we resonate with.

In the next 2 more or less years, there will be open contact and some form of disclosure from our governments🙂 

that they know and knew about the existence of many many other civilizations that visit and have being for as long as this planet was here🙂

But In truth we really don’t need anyone approval we can just connect to this civilizations ourselves🙂

Steven Greer (together with his E.T family🙂) has developed a way to connect peacefully to other beings in the cosmos and experience contact by yourself🙂

I tagged a picture of the app of CE-5🙂 you can find more people in your area to do the meditation with.🙂

The app have other great tools, I aslo tagged pictures of the movies you can watch about the subject if you resonate.

The picture of the movies is of sirius and the movie of darryl anka who channeling “Bashar”🙂

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in truth we are “jumping” different parallel realities every nano second🙂

 ( this is the only way we could experience change🙂 otherwise everything would be experienced as “stuck” or “frozen” picture🙂)

And if we take it even a step further🙂 

because all there is really is the NOW🙂

the only way for Creation to create the illusion of movement, and the “experiences” of past and future🙂 (that can only exist NOW as well 🙂) 

and because all there really is always here🙂 

space is also an illusion made to create movement🙂.

And because of both this factors🙂 the only way to create time and space is for creation to superimpose on itself this “frames” of experience🙂

And if we choose to believe our many (and growing daily🙂) number of quantum physicists, who agrees that everything we experience is energy🙂 or vibration🙂

if we masseur the distance between the smallest particles, we will find its 5 football filed(or something like that🙂) in between one and other, which means that most if not all of physical reality is empty🙂

And if it is the case🙂 

Why would creation (which is infinite🙂) with the understanding that physical reality don’t take any space create only one reality?🙂

If Creation only desire (which it is🙂) is to explore and experience itself in as MANY ways that it can🙂 

( and remember time and space don’t really exists🙂 so there is no where to get too🙂) 

will create only one planet earth? 🙂Or one planet Mars? 🙂or one universe?🙂 why not two or three or infinite amount of universes, dimensions and plates?🙂 

If you create a software why limit yourself in space ? 🙂

If there is no need to?🙂

And because we ( unlocalized consciousness🙂) do this jumping without any afford but automatically any way🙂, 

it can be easily awaken to the idea that we don’t have to do it by default🙂 but to choose our experienced reality🙂 

with the understanding that it already happens any way right now🙂 

we just need to attune our desired frequency and we will experience the Pearler🙂 (already existed, although experienced by different acepcct of yourself🙂) reality.

but don’t worry about taken the place of your other "you"🙂 In that reality🙂 because it’s all one being it know exactly where to put it’s own “parts”🙂

The way to raise our frequency🙂 may take some time( or not🙂 all depends on how much you want it🙂 which normally is when you had enough🙂) 

is to change our thoughts🙂 

there are many tools on this site that will help you with that🙂 and I am sure also by reading this help as well🙂 

When we “raise” the frequency of our thoughts🙂 they match the frequency of the parallel reality and we automatically🙂 stop experience one and “jump” the the other🙂

So when you asking for a new job and you all of the sudden get it🙂 

you jumped in to a reality that you already work there🙂 

and the one you don’t , still exist there🙂

but is experienced by a different accept of you🙂 

that jumped simultaneously from a different parallel reality🙂

That’s why Bashar says “ you never change the earth you are on, you change your self, and shift to a different new earth” 

In the picture the idea of multiple earths🙂

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Contractions and expansions🙂 (mechanics of Creation🙂)

It’s Funny to use it here, but we can use the stock market or the crypto market as an example🙂

Everything in creation is expending and then contracting and the process go infinitely🙂

(Because there is no space or time🙂 the way creation creates movement and then plays and explores more of it self that way🙂)

Did you notice that things are always getting “good” and then they become “bad”🙂 (this is the way we interpret it , of curse if we wait we see things are always working out🙂)

and then become good again and so on🙂 

but it’s always getting better🙂

Like the stock market example(which is nothing but reflection of our collective🙂) 

it goes up and down but always go upwards,

(just like creation always expending and learning about itself🙂)

So by choosing to understand and resonate with this concept🙂

we are choosing to see things from a positive perspective🙂 

and become patient ,understanding and connected to creation and the way things manifest them selves in our reality🙂

In the picture crop circles🙂

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The reason we experience the energy of skepticism (I know because sometimes I do🙂)

Is because we are trying to protect ourselves from being fooled, made fun off or being tricked🙂

Taking my experience with the ufo craft I saw 🙂i have being skeptical about my experience for 3 years🙂 

and although I experienced many many wonderful consciousness expending things, 

 I was still afraid to admit it🙂 

( I feel it’s something that we believe also collectively about UFOS🙂 I guess the people that wanted it to be a secret did a good job🙂) 

The reason I choosing to let go of my skepticism is because I understood that it did it’s job by allowing me to dig much deeper🙂

And by understanding (and looking at the belief system). that by believing that what I experienced wasn’t real don’t serve me anymore🙂 .

I could be letting go of the skepticism.

So by me asking myself “how does it serve me to believe that my experience wasn’t real?”

And let the answers come up🙂

I/you/we can ask together 🙂 -

‘How by believing that my ufo experience wasn’t real is serving me?

“And The answer would be that if I believe that the experience is not real , I will get more evidence and validations from other sources that it is real”🙂

“by reading more books and listening to more information”🙂

“So I believe that my experience wasn’t real because i want to get more proof of it being  real”🙂

“Which means that I believe it to be unreal so it will be real”🙂

Which doesn’t really make any sense🙂

So by me being truly honest and looking at this belief (together with you🙂) I was able to look at it (and a lot of fear came out🙂, which normally happens because the negative belief is trying to save it self🙂 and bring out all it’s false ideas🙂 to protect itself from being let go off🙂 and in its reality being destroyed🙂) 

so by being able to look at the mechanics and the way it works I was able to see the nonsensically of it🙂 and to let it go🙂

The only way to let go of our negative beliefs is by looking at them with honesty to our selves.🙂

and seeing them through the fear they bring forward to protect themselves🙂

Thank you for being with me on this exploration❤️🙂

In the picture Bashar being channeled by  darryl anka , Bashar civilization brought forward to us this concepts of letting go of negative beliefs by seeing them for they’re nonsensical 🙂 

bashar and his civilization have being a great help on my journey here🙂

Bashar website is -

You can get and watch the latest channeling sessions there🙂 and a lot more information about him and his civilization🙂

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According to Abraham Hicks and my personal experience (and yours too even if you don’t feel it🙂)

We all have an emotional guidance system like an inner gps or compass that is directing us every second by our emotions🙂

If our thought is out of alignment and our higher self don’t agree with it we will feel bad and the more the thoughts are in alignment we will feel better and better or worse and worse (when it’s out of alignment 🙂)

There is a scale Abraham Hicks gave for us to see by our feeling where we are 🙂

From fear grief and depression to joy knowledge love and freedom and all the emotions in between (I tagged a picture of the scale🙂)

So basically we are guided all the time🙂

Everything we see is ourselves “higher” or “lower” aspects of our being so by trusting a being with the information he brings forwards we actually trusting ourselves 🙂 

benthino Massaro is someone I truly love he explains the emotional guidance system perfectly🙂 

I will try to link the video here if not you are more then welcome to check his videos on YouTube🙂

but like everything we always do what we believe will serve us.  and to trust this guidance system we need to experience it (have our awareness focus on it) ourselves 🙂.

 and only then we can start become open to the idea that its exists and is helping us.🙂 

this is the link to benthino video on emotions-

and a picture of Abraham hick scale🙂

Enjoy ❤️

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Like many abilities we as collective used to have and have being “taken” from us after we misused them on previous civilizations🙂 so are our abilities to move objects with our minds.

Sometimes people that see me doing my pendulum questions ask me if it’s a boy or a girl with a smile and although you can get this type of answers🙂 a pendulum can be a real helpful companion to have here.

A pendulum in simple terms is a crystal (any crystal🙂 although clear crystals seems to work little better) that is on a string and swings from side to side or standing motionless or moving in circles (or any other way I haven’t seen yet🙂) that indicates an answer that is giving through it, the answers that looks that they  comes through the pendulums are actually coming through our minds moving it that comes form thouts we receive form our guidance.

If accessed correctly and being patient with the pendulum we can tap in to answers from should I take this road or the next what clothes should I wear to past lives memories questions about the universe and they want things work and everything truly the pendulum can become our personal guide🙂

-something to remember although a pendulum is great tool to have it is just a tool🙂 and we are the ones the give it the power, like bashar say in the end you will realize that the ultimate permission slip is you.

In the picture my ark crystal🙂 I use as a pendulum but truly you can use any crystal.(and me🙂)

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What are siddhis?

In Sanskrit the word siddhis represents, acult powers for example, telepathy, clairvoyance,clairaudience(channeling and mediumship goes in here as well🙂) teleportation, levitation and other psychic abilities,  that may open when we start to quite our minds and practice meditation🙂

In the west we have more and more people that open themselves to this abilities🙂.

specifically because of the practice of yoga and meditation in the west,  and because many souls that experienced the east for countless lives chose to have an incarnations in the west🙂

in the picture the magus card from deck I use for tarot reading🙂

Everything we open ourselves up, psychic abilities, acult powers, and understandings and nature of reality will continue with us (if we choose too🙂) on our next incarnations🙂

I remember two lives of practicing tarot and energy healing 🙂 one somewhere around 500-700 years ago in Europe, and one in qumran Israel two thousand years ago🙂

The main thing for us to remember is that as much as this gifts are fascinating they are still gifts.  They can surly help us🙂 but they are not the final goal of our experience🙂.

so if you read this and you have this gifts opened up or you choose to explore this avenue🙂 do it so this gifts will help others🙂 

and remember don’t get stuck on them but continue you exploration to see yourself in all🙂

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Mistake by definition (or how in our civilization choose to see it is negative, but by changing our perspective on things we can change our definition of things and they will feel completely different to us🙂)

So If we make a mistake and we learn from it by definition it’s not negative but something that teaches us something new🙂 so it’s actually a positive thing🙂

And the only way we can make a mistake is if there where two (or more) of us🙂

If you meet someone and you feel you didn’t acted like you should have, said something “wrong” or did something wrong, you can only feel that if you think there is “you” and someone else🙂 

But if we become open to the idea that who we meet is nothing but ourselves🙂 how can we make a mistake?🙂 

We can do things to ourselves we can hurt others (ourselves🙂) and we will “punish” ourselves for it, or be “nice” to others (ourselves🙂) and get nice things back, but because it is all ourselves🙂 we know when we are not true about being “nice” but do it for some kind of validation (from ourselves🙂).

So we will experience the same “niceness” from other people(ourselves🙂) we meet.

So why can’t we make a mistake?

Can your body make a mistake with itself?🙂

Although we may think it does in truth everything the body is doing is for it’s benefit🙂

We( the false identity or ego ) take ourselves to be🙂

Interpreting it that way.

So try to see everything as your own body🙂

that everything and everyone is cells in the same body and when one part of the body hurts the rest will always try to help🙂 

( for example E.T civilizations form different starts that come here🙂) 

But the same is everywhere🙂

When one person is sick others get sick too (although they may not do it on there Awareness level🙂) 

they get sick to help to minimize the the spread of the disease🙂

And spread it between themselves (again they may not be aware of that🙂) and by doing it help all other parts to be less sick🙂

(This happens in nature all the time🙂 with trees and our animals , dogs in particular are like sponges🙂 that collect on themselves disease🙂 they do it with love and completely automatically🙂) 

So how can anything make a mistake when it is one?🙂

In the picture view from my moms house is Israel🙂

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When we accept our negative aspects in ourselves 🙂 then and only then we can accept , understand and be fully compassionate about “others”🙂

Our darkest or lightest aspects🙂

we should always questions ourselves🙂 always check what translation we have for our experience🙂

Do we see it as positive or negative?🙂

As good or bad?🙂

Or neutral and completely meaningless just like the creator see it🙂

(And by definition because we choose to see it neutrally🙂, it actually becomes positive🙂 because seeing things neutrally means, giving choice to choose🙂 and choice is by definition is positive.🙂)

Which means what ever we experience, ANY experience can be looked at as positive🙂

And the reason it feels good to accept ourselves 🙂 and others 🙂

is Because , In truth all we see is just aspects of our selves🙂 aspects of god🙂(which is the same thing🙂)

And because mechanically it’s impossible🙂to experience anything but yourself🙂

We can use the mirror analogy🙂 you can’t change the mirror but only the one that looks at it🙂 

in other words all the people🙂circumstances🙂 and everything is YOU🙂 but because there is only ONE being🙂 

me/you/we  is nothing but the same thing acting in infinite ways with itself🙂

I add a picture of a book I love🙂

 channeling of jusha ben David (Jesus).🙂

It is a series of books that helped me to see things completely differently, in my self and in others🙂


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Living within our means unlike what we may believe🙂 doesn’t mean we don’t strive or desire more🙂 but it means that we are appreciative in what we have right now🙂 we enjoy everything we have🙂 and although we may want or desire more things we live in presence🙂 and patience🙂

When we do we are shining our light to the collective🙂 that may believe that having more is the only way to feel better🙂

I had to look at my own fears of lack and the desire to spend more then I could🙂 so I can  feel better with the fear that if I won’t I will be and feel unworthy and feel undeserving🙂

and what also may really help🙂  is to remember the everyone experience exactly what is relevant for them to experience 🙂

in the picture the sign I made on top of our door to remined me and everyone who see it 🙂

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Tarot as Bashar (an extraterrestrial that being channeled by Darryl anka for 40 years and brings wonderful information with it) would say a promision slip🙂.

We can read (I do) many books about tarot and be curious about their origin but If we look at them closely they are but great way for our spirit family and spirit guides to give us massages🙂

you see our guidance communicate with us every day by symbolism🙂 for example we can see on the road a billboard that may make us think or direct us to a place we need to get too,🙂 like let’s say you may see a billboard with a dental office and you remember that you should go do a check up and when you go you meet in the office your future wife🙂 this is an extremely example of curse but you can get what I am saying🙂

Spirit communicate with us ALL THE TIME🙂

we just need to be little alert and listen and ask to be guided🙂

for me for example when I am thinking a thought that they agree with I see a white Tesla car and when the thought is out of alignment I see a black one and all the colors in between if they want to give there massage🙂 (or they use the color black and white to represent there point🙂)

So you see coming for a tarot reading make spirit life much much easier🙂

for them it’s easy for you to receive the card they want you to see🙂 (much easier then waken you up ,taking you to the wrong stop light so you can turn and see a billboard you need to see🙂)

But in truth it’s not really hard at all ,they understand we are dreaming this “physical” existence 🙂 and when they on the spirit side KNOW they are dreaming🙂

So without going to much off subject here🙂

Tarot is a real gift we got from the spirit world🙂 to receive massages by the archetypes of our agreed collective and individually symbolism🙂

In the picture the deck of card I work with🙂

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Everything is vibration/energy 🙂

And the way we feel about things is the way they will be manifested in our reality🙂

What is The thing that we really want to be doing ? 🙂 

and which is the most existing for us? 🙂

that make us feel amazing and excited when we think about doing it?🙂 

Which is our true heart desire and what we came here for to experience🙂

our blue print🙂

the thing the make us dream how we would be doing it🙂

We all have it even if we say we don’t know🙂

So every time we think how great it could have it or do it🙂

But then🙂 

we remember that we are doing this and that job. or are in this or that situation in life which won’t allow us to experience that thing we are so excited about - not true🙂

If we can imagine that it means it is relevant for us to experience it🙂

we just don’t believe we can(yet)🙂

And the reason is because the way we feel at this moment, how we think about what we are doing now🙂

If we complain, feel bad ,criticize or just have Negative beliefs about where we are now we couldn’t ever have this thing we want to experience🙂

Because everything in Creation is energy, 

and don’t take any space 🙂

creation(which is you🙂)  

can easily and without effort make itself (you🙂) experience anything it wish too.

And will always match the experience (we having)  to the frequency (the way we feel)🙂 

The only thing that stands in the way is the way we feel right NOW, about anything that we experience🙂

So how to change it?

Start by finding things you appreciate and love about what you do right now or where you at🙂

If it’s a relationship ,job ,place to live or anything you wish experience that is different from what you do or experience now🙂

You can start by making a thank you note book🙂

you can start by saying - “ although I don’t really like the place I am at right now , and although it’s challenging for me find things that I like about it I will try to do my best🙂 because I start to realize and understand that what I will think is what I will experience”

And from there slowly find more and more things that you can be grateful for and appreciate🙂 

and step by step your little note book of graduate will grow🙂( I use my phone in the notes  it’s  very comfortable that way 🙂)

And again Because creation is energy and vibration🙂

 when you raise your frequency and are getting it close to the vibration of what you want to experience (new job,project..🙂)

By law It will have to manifest in your experience.🙂

Because by matching the same vibration of the experience you want,  with the vibration of what you experience now, for creation it will look the same🙂 and it will appear in your reality🙂 

you are welcome to read this paragraph couple of times🙂

And It’s good to remember it’s a case by case basis.

and each one experience what is relevant for his expansion and growth🙂 there are no mistakes🙂

for a lot of us this transition may take little bit more time (doesn’t have to of curse🙂)

 but most of the time it will , because of the beliefs in lack we have about creation supporting us🙂

(While I write this I am still in the transition of making healing,channeling,mediumship and any other ways I could be in service, to my main work and income 🙂 

and maybe by time you are reading this I will be doing only that🙂)

Again for each of us it will be experienced individually and some will need to stay in there jobs and enlighten the place they work at 🙂

And start doing what they love doing already at there job 🙂 

(I started doing healing sessions ,tarot and mediumship in the place I work and was able to combine it with the services in  the medical spa I work at🙂)

But for each of us is completely different some can just listen to this words and quit there job and everything will work out🙂

and some can take little longer🙂

All depends on your belief system🙂

So what ever this words will trigger in you, know that no matter what you will do, creation will always support you!

 because creation(is you❤️!)

and because one of the main things we chose to explore in physical reality, is the experience of forgetfulness. and the idea of only seeing one step at time, (and not the whole picture like our higher mind does🙂) faith and trust is what will help us to take that leap of faith🙂

In the picture a small stand of the services I offer in the place I work🙂

I added link of Abraham hicks talking about the subject enjoy❤️

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Unfortunately (or fortunately🙂) the way we choose to wake up and start exploring our real nature and being and to transcend things that are not in service to us by looking at them when they come up, is by suffering🙂

Because everything in creation is neutral (other wise the one infinite creator which is you🙂  wouldn’t be able to look at itself in infinite ways🙂) 

So we can choose to see everything as what we believe will serve us the most🙂

We can look at suffering form neutral event to a positive one🙂 (this may trigger something but try to stay with the idea as much as you can🙂) 

In my own experience and the mental suffering I experienced, after having an 7 months pregnancy that stoped and loosing all our money to have us start all over again🙂

That without it I wouldn’t start an intensive search for answers for questions that start to arose about reality, purpose and the nature of life, which lead to this website🙂

Sometimes if we get really sidetracked from our path, the only way to put us back to it is by drastic masseurs🙂(loving drastic measures🙂) 

So with time and a lot of trial and error🙂

The understanding Started to come, that everything and everyone experience exactly what they need too🙂 

and without desire and asking for help it’s much better to allow things happen as they need too🙂 

and just that if you “help” a butterfly to come out from his cacon too early you can actually harm him🙂 

so just us if removed too early form our cacon of suffering🙂 can actually do the opposite of what we wish it to be🙂

Of curse this don’t mean we won’t try to help someone that needs it🙂

but without the asking for help, we can’t really help🙂

we need to remember that everything and everyone experience exactly what they need to and will help there evolution🙂 

with that understanding we can be in service to anyone we meet🙂

I’m the picture me and reef in the air🙂

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All we actually want from any activities from any meditation from any prayer from anything basically is to FEEL GOOD🙂

Really ask your self why do you want a healing session or a crystal what do you believe it will make you feel after? 🙂

Or why do you want money (or don’t want it)? 🙂

what feeling do you believe money will give you?🙂

is it fame? security? what will healing give you? The feeling of what? 🙂

every thought if we take it to its source we think because we believe it will serve us and make us feel good.

So where am I going with this?🙂

Abraham Hicks teaching tells us to feel good first and then “everything you can ever imagine will come joyfully on to you”

from experience I can say it is true🙂

It just take some time like everything to trust it.🙂

Try with yourself to make a list of the things you really want. 

 write them down, and ask what do I believe having this things will make me feel?🙂

And instead of waiting for this things to come and then feeling that way, feel that first and see what will happen❤️🙂

In the picture Esther hicks channeling “Abraham”  and a book I recommend for everyone to read🙂

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Gratitude changed my life🙂

I remember wearing a gratitude bracelet on my hand to remind me to be thankful, two people I love so much helped me and opened me up to this wonderful idea🙂

To be grateful is probably one , if not the most important thing to have🙂

We (our higher self) will take things from us if we don’t appreciate them🙂
and actually everything we experience is to be grateful for it, otherwise what is the point?🙂

There is book the people that guided me and helped me recommended me , which was one of the most important books I have ever read and i really recommend it to everyone to read 🙂

it is written by a rabbi so it may have some religion back round to it ,but the core idea of it is amazing🙂

Is to be grateful for not only the “good” things that happen to us but for the “bad”🙂

 and to understand that everything works out perfectly and exactly as it should 🙂( I believe the rabbi downloaded or channeled the book🙂 like everything we download from E.T or light beings that want to help us🙂) 

I felt to share here a story On our son reefs birth🙂

two days before the birth , the insurance called and said they are canceling the policy so we had no insurance before the birth.  and to get to the hospital would cost 10,000$ that we really didn’t have.

At the time I was reading the book and I told Susie let’s try to say thank you, for not having enough money to cover the birth🙂 and let’s thank for the insurance that got canceled we really have nothing to lose.🙂

So we did and somehow we got to the emergency room. 
and during the delivery of the baby we had other complications that we thanked about as well🙂
during and with having this book by our bedside in the hospital we delivered our boy reef🙂 

and an hour later a nurse came in the delivery room and said, that we are eligible for a new insurance that will cover the birth🙂

I tagged the book that being with us in emergency room 🙂 

i also added a picture of me and reef and the gratitude bracelet I wore for 2 years 

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I will write about money differently from abundance🙂 

Because abundance can come in infinite ways and not only through the aspect of money (although of course it can come through that as well🙂).

Abundance means being able to do what you need to do when you need to do it🙂

So that means that what ever you need will be provided to you exactly when you need it🙂

The reason it feels right to separate money and abundance because on this planet we made so much contradicting beliefs about money that it’s more challenging to get a point through🙂

There are many things on this site that can give you tools how to create abundance, (which is really to feel better🙂 and then everything you want will come to you easily🙂) 

but more to change even if it’s a little bit the view of the reader on money🙂

So let’s try to do it a little together🙂 

If creation created everything it must have also created money🙂 

and if creation is infinite (and it is🙂) so there is infinite amount of money.🙂

And the reason we see people become rich really really quickly , is because there beliefs about money.🙂

 (And of curse also what they choose to experience before this life🙂)

 but also because the planet is shifting to a new earth that everything looks more and more like an dream🙂

 and in dreams you don’t really worry about paying rent🙂

things just take care or them selves more and more we start to experience that🙂

If we choose to use the next analogy for example 🙂 

If we take 2 kids and place them without anything to start all over again, when one grew up in very rich family and the other in a poor one guess who will have more money coming to him quicker?🙂

Now you might say that the poor kid had more ambition🙂 and to prove himself and you may be right in some cases🙂

but most if not always money will come much much easier to the one that was brought up in a environment that feels differently and abundantly about money🙂

Why you ask?  well it’s very simple🙂

What we believe about anything is what we experience🙂 (and because physical reality is not more then a dream our consciousness is dreaming🙂 and because space don’t really exists,  consciousness can create as much money and abundance as at wish🙂)

And the kid that came from a rich family have no negative beliefs about money,  and don’t believe it come hardly so he experience it in his reality that way🙂

So by changing the way we see/feel about money we will change the way we experience our reality🙂

If you wish to explore to idea of money little more I tagged two great books 🙂

Enjoy ❤️

In the picture money and crypto🙂

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Everything is alive🙂

Everything is creation expressing itself in different vibrational“level”🙂

Dogs,cats, or (any pet we choose to have🙂)

And plants,trees (which are much much more attuned and alive , then we can ever imagine🙂 I share from my experiences and you can also read a wonderful book about the subject called “the secret life of plants”🙂) 

All life forms exists in “different” vibration level🙂

from water and  air ,fire to rocks,earth,trees animals and so on🙂 

to assented masters,  E.T  and light beings beings and so on🙂

While All exists in infinite “vibrational levels” they are still one🙂 

and because they are one, everything can (and does) communicate with each other🙂 

most of creation knows that already🙂

but there are some planets (like this one🙂) that just becoming aware of that🙂

So by being open to the idea that everything is one🙂 

it is much easier to be open to the idea,  that plants animals and all of nature are constantly communicating with us (and we with it🙂)

And the more we are connected to this forms of life,  (give them names🙂 or interact with them daily) 

we are raising there “vibration level” 🙂 and are actually helping them to continue there evolution🙂

Yossi🙂 is the name I have given to the tree plant,  that have being with me in my place of work for 4 years🙂  

and helped me to transmute many many energies from many many people 🙂 and helped the place of work and the people in it a lot🙂

So basically be allowing it (yossi🙂) to help me and the people in the place of work by transmuting there energy🙂 

We allowed yossi to be in service and to move up to his next level of vibration🙂 

( and although I feel he wants to make his transition soon🙂 I will keep him for a little longer🙂 so he can  continue healing and helping people that will come to the center I opened🙂 

I had a beautiful experience to share here  with our dog bulie that passed to spirit recently🙂

2 years ago we where absolutely sure we are moving to Israel🙂 and sold everything we had and together with our dog, reef our son and Susie my wife we moved to Israel🙂 

And After being there for 3 months🙂  we needed to come back to Florida for couple of months and after we came everything got closed (pandemic🙂) 

and what we needed to do here got delayed we end up being in the States for a year.

and in the meanwhile or dog 🙂 which stayed with my mom ,step dad and sister in Israel.

being with them when everything got shut down and closed🙂 and by him being in service🙂 (and doing what I feel and the reason we came to my mom house form the beginning🙂) 

absorbed all negative energy from them 🙂and after 8 months developed a disease in the stomach and passed to spirit❤️

If I wouldn’t feel his presence in the spirit world, and feeling he is in a some kind of school over there🙂  and some portion of him is already incarnated on a different planet as a some kind of human being 🙂

I would probably be crying now🙂

But because we are never really separate from others🙂 and can connect to them (with a little training🙂) there is really no reason to be sad about “death”🙂

So because bulie was able to be in service,  by taking my family disease and my family being in service by allowing him to help them🙂 he was able to continue his vibrational evolution🙂

In the picture buli🙂 and Yossi🙂

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I was guided to celery juice by my grandmother in spirit  and my spirit guides🙂

After having some problems with my digestive system for as long as I remember🙂

I was lead to a medium book who Channeled information on health and eating particular foods that helps and direct specific issues.

The thing the spirit that was channeled recommends and have being for the past 20 years is to drink celery juice🙂

What the information says is that celery juice help to remove any toxins from Heavy foods we eat that stays in our system and flush it out🙂 but not like drinks that cleans your body (which celery does as well) it literally help you body to fix itself and can help with many many disease🙂

We have being drinking it for 6 months now in the morning on Empty stomach and at night before bed and we feel great🙂

I really recommend it to everyone fit immune system and for just keeping the body healthy.

I am attaching picture of the book that was channeled and picture of the celery juice I find that you can buy but you can definitely make it at home🙂 look up the Antony William on you tube he will explain to you how make by yourself🙂 Ian just buying it ready🙂


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I felt like sharing here my experience with COVID🙂

In 2020 when everything was closed me Susie and reef traveled for over 20 hotels with her Instagram account🙂

Most of the time we where one of the only ones in the hotel🙂

After that we travelled to Israel🙂

And we never got sick🙂

only about a month ago after I found out that I will need to cover for my co worker, who went to Israel for vacation for 3 weeks , 2 days after I got COVID🙂

and we where sick at home for a week, I knew then I got it to be more compassionate and to be in understanding for the people that got it🙂 

Intuitively I feel that we all have it already🙂 

And something triggers it to come out 🙂

I also feel intuitively it’s man made🙂

We are at the end (or for many of us at the beginning🙂) of a new cycle of earth the old planet is literally get transformed🙂

We are moving from one vibrational reality to another🙂

And everything that is not in service to us and is not relevant for us to experience is coming out for the table🙂

If we work,do or in a relationship that is not relevant for us it will come up to the surface to be transcend, for us to choose if we want to continue experience this things 🙂

COVID is an amplifier to speed things out🙂

We all came here to explore a specific blue print🙂 and many of us got sidetracked🙂

When I found out my co worker might stay longer in Israel I started to feel the symptoms again🙂 

If we follow our highest excitement our passion and our heart🙂 our bodies won’t need to be sick so we can stay home and relax to think if what we are doing is right🙂

And of curse we should remember that everything and everyone experience exactly what they came and choose to before this life🙂 and all is well🙂

In the picture us in one of our traveling in 2020🙂

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with Acceptance , love and compassion; we must understand that we choose to have this human experience.

and while We still have these thoughts and feelings, if we do it means we have taken  a job to transcend them for ourselves and, for the collective, that we choose to experience and be part of on this planet🙂

Anger in truth is a feeling of not being understood and being mistreated, and the first and truly the only step we need in this emotion is love🙂 and understanding.

Sometimes I can feel truly amazing and anger can seep in. I have learned to understand that if the feeling of anger comes (which is ok ;it just comes up to be transcended)

it came  because I needed to express myself more accurately and express my needs better.

On one of the channeling sessions I had done the beings that were channeled recommend that I read a book three times. This book really helped me; I will tag it below since I feel that everyone should read it and understand the simplicity of it🙂

We all have emotions to transcend, some more then others, but  the real key it love.

Remember that it doesn’t matter what the feeling or emotions are at the time.

They  come and go.

However who we truly are (unchanging perfect loving awareness always stays the same🙂)

And no matter what we choose to experience it is just an experience which will come and go🙂

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I got this thought “download” I believe from the spirit world🙂

After traveling to Israel and always looking for trees or plants to touch In the layovers🙂

And from reading and experiencing that grounding (touching nature ,plants trees flowers or ground recommended being  bare foot while you do it 🙂) 

can actually (and does) remove your jet lag🙂

and make you feel much much better🙂, I can tell from traveling 15 hours by plane from Miami to Israel and standing on the ground for 15 min changes everything🙂

You can still feel tired but all the other symptoms may leave you completely🙂( make sense if your body is used to a completely different environment, and you put it in a flying metal bus around the world 🙂 and not allowing it Connect to the environment you will feel tired🙂) 

So I had an idea why we shouldn’t have this charging stations in airports (like we have for our phones🙂)

 and people can “charge” themselves before getting on connection flight and feel much much better🙂

I sent the idea to couple of airports one or two responded back 🙂 I understand we need to bring the awareness of grounding to everyone first but it is really can be done🙂 

and until we have zero point gravity vehicles and crafts to travel in, this can make out traveling much much more comfortable🙂

So if you know someone,  or you have an airport 🙂 

or think of where people can benefit from it, you are welcome to use the idea❤️

In the picture the idea as it was made by a graphic designe

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We can imagine thoughts like being horses🙂

That need to be put in a barn or they will be out of control🙂

Negative beliefs and thoughts can very easily and quickly spiral into a story that we tell ourselves🙂

And because negative beliefs in there essence are wrong🙂

 they will do everything in their power to make us believe that they are right🙂(in their own reality they believe that what they are doing is what is right🙂) 

So they may tell a very scary story to keep their existence alive🙂

Besides doing self investigation and see what we believe that this thinking really serve us, we can show the negative beliefs unreality by asking what is the worse that can happen?🙂

And because things in reality are not as scary 🙂as this beliefs show it.🙂

our understanding of it (of looking at the negative belief, and seeing the unreality of it 🙂) will “take the air out” of this beliefs and stop it’s spiraling out of control🙂

You are welcome to try ( in the beginning it may look scary, this of curse is the negative beliefs trying to save itself🙂 but with practice desire and faith you will be able to be free form this beliefs🙂)


I add people of reef🙂

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In a universe where like attract like🙂 what we focus on will manifest in our reality🙂

If we believe and focus that we need protection , the universe (you🙂) will manifest in your reality more things to be “protective” from🙂

I found a really easy way, I will describe here if you chose you can use it :) 

(you are welcome to take couple of deep breaths and relax before you start🙂)

I ask to cover myself with a bubble of light around me🙂 and to imagine (while in some kind of meditation🙂)

a light bubble cover all my body(well to clarify a little more🙂 I ask to be covered with a bubble or light I ask god you can ask anything you choose to believe in🙂

 to cover all my bodies with light, mental,physical,emotional,and spiritual I ask this light to cover all other existences and perler lives🙂) 

I ask this light to remove any unwanted information , energetic parasites🙂 and anything that doesn’t service me any more.

and then I ask that any energy/being that is around this light that don’t see itself in everything and don’t see the creator in themselves will leave this space🙂

 I then ask this light to bless any being that come close to it with the understanding that everything is one and bless them to see that all they will see is the creator and themselves in everything🙂 

I recommend to do this practice couple times a day🙂


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The only reason to think differently is the idea that we are separate from creation from god and ourselves(which is the same thing🙂).

So like any idea this one can also be changed, how?

By believing a different idea of course🙂.

But what prof do I have?

Well first what I experience🙂

But you don’t have to trust that of curse🙂, so what other argument I have that you are not separated from creation?

If we take the idea of the Big Bang that everything came form one little atom is that already shows that everything come from one thing?🙂

is that already mean that everything is connected? but more then that is that show that if everything comes form the same thing stays the same thing?🙂 

like a drop of water have all the properties of the ocean🙂

Or we can take the example of telepathy or thinking “other” people thoughts🙂

how the hell can we do that? 🙂

to think other people thoughts (or to Channel,mediumship and other means🙂) to feel other people emotions? How can we do all this things if the person we do it with is separate from us?🙂

 that would be impossible🙂 

the only way it could happen ( and it does many many times at lest in my experience🙂) 

that the person/being that you do it with is not other then your SELF🙂

Didn’t you thought of someone before and they called you right away? Or text you? 

How many times your feel what other think of you and they what you think of them?🙂

There was made experiments with plants that they can feel🙂 and receive and give massages🙂 but how? 

How can that be if we are separate?🙂

It could only be if everything is not only connected,

but ONE🙂

So if this idea feels right ( and if we take the emotional guidance system to work 🙂) 

If everything is really one🙂 how can there be lack of anything? 🙂

If anything and everything is one how you wouldn’t be supported?🙂 

the only way is if you believe that you are not🙂 ( and that too creation will support🙂).

So all you/we need to do is drop the idea (or maybe you already did❤️)

I add a picture I resonated with of planet earth🙂

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Truthfully I only learned about tektite crystal very recently. 

(And better 🙂 probably because other wise I would cover myself with it and forget that I was the one that gives it power🙂) 

By watching mark Talk and explain about them on a youtube clip.🙂

Since then I always have one in my pocket and let everyone I feel need it to hold it.🙂

Tektite is from the meteorite family, and what it does is acting like a sponge for negative energy🙂

It’s great to have with you when you go to crowded places,  or just feel to take with you, where ever you go🙂

Ways to use the tektite crystal:

You can bless it and ask for it to be of guidance to you.🙂

You can hold it next to people you feel can benefit from it and it can help them.🙂

(If you with people and you feel the energy is “heavy”🙂 place it somewhere near so it will take on itself this energy🙂

If you are doing healing , the crystal is great tool to have in healing sessions you can place it next to a client when the healing session happens🙂

Or just place them on the table at home or the office and let the crystal do its job🙂


I attached picture of the tektite crystal I use🙂

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Selenite is a common crystal and can really Help you on your journey🙂

It act as receiver of information and can charge your other crystals🙂

 it’s also enhances your psychic abilities and help you to connect to the spirit world🙂

But what I really love to use him as- “karmic cord cutting” crystal🙂 

while I was in Spain in mark's  academy he used a cutting cords healing technique on me , and 10 min later my dad called me after we haven't spoke for 4 months🙂

we all are connected and have cords coming form our physical and other bodies, which connect us to other beings and sometimes this connection has served its purpose🙂 

and it’s time to let it go.🙂

Using the selenite crystal as a wand (or as actual knife shape polished like I use , just carful if you travel with it in airports🙂) 

And cutting all this karmic cords that are attached to us during the day and from the people we meet🙂

I use it daily🙂

In the picture the selenite that I use🙂

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Ark crystal - 

we are defiantly tapping into our forgotten abilities with Crystals.
Ark crystal is probably the most powerful crystal available for us today, it is designed by Nassim Haramein which is probably one of the most smart people alive today🙂 you can look him up and listen to his talks, in very very very short what he proved after 30 years of research in physics by equations that outside universe and the “inside” is actually one.
The ark crystal is his child of design and labor for many years and only recently with our technology was being able to be manufactured and to be accessible for everyone.
The ark crystal is literally a generator of pure quantum energy that acts as an amplifier to a process that happens naturally already, it pulls invisible energy and information form the void back to physical reality, by doing so it increases all the process and really miraculous things start to happen, it is still being studied and researched but meanwhile the research shows when the crystals are near water they are changing the molecule structure of atoms and enhance productivity of plants by 300-400% growth! , when tested on humans (and still is) people show large improvement in many ways feeling better mentally and physically. people that was aware of the crystal benefits or not showed these results.
As someone that works with crystals and enjoy there love and guidance, I have never felt anything like this before the best I could say is that it feel like a super crystal that just keep on giving information out all the time, and not like “natural” crystal (and the reason for the “ is because the ark is grown in a lab and is completely pure) it don’t collect any unwanted information but just keep on giving out, our first baby hybrid crystal🙂
As of now the ark crystals are not cheap and start at 1000$ each I am sure with time Nassim will be able to do them for less price when technology will evolve more but if you can afford it get it! Because it helps every where you go and everyone you in contact with.
The ark crystals website is 

Bashar contact crystal-

Bashar is an extraterrestrial that have being channeled by Darrel Anka for more then 35+ years.
The information that’s comes through is absolutely life’s changing, i Know because it changed Mine🙂
Bashar brings through information about the structure of reality and how things really work.
Bashar comes form a planet named    

a-ssan-i  which means "the light people", and exists in different future reality of earth. he is a hybrid being and is connected to us and calls us the ancient ones, he comes form a family of contact specialist, that when a civilization is ready and  evolve enough they will start communication normally by channeling first.

The contact crystal is part of a symbol of his family and race, and represents the evolution and history of his civilization and ours,
Bashar describe the crystal as our way to cast a vote for open contact and calls the crystals the seed of contact, as many people that will have it the more our extraterrestrials friends will see we are willing and ready to go closer to full disclosure.

The contact crystal is a beautiful green hexagonal quartz crystal that is infused with bashar’s energy and comes with an activeSion DVD that connects your energy and the information from bashar to you.
The crystal is very powerful and is great tool to connect to your spirt guides ,extraterrestrials family and open yourself up to a lot more information.
Highly recommended if you interested to raise your vibration and follow your highest excitement🙂
Bashar website where you can learn more about him and where to purchase the crystal- 

Mark Bajerski crystals- 

Mark is someone I truly love and have helped me a lot.
He was the healer I went to Spain to learn energy healing from 3 years ago.
Mark awakened to his path 15 years ago and helped many many souls to wake up he is a loving soul and have a big heart and always helps when he can.
Everything that comes form him comes form a truly loved heart and with beautiful healing vibration.
On his website you can find huge selection of crystals, healing oils, healing sticks, books, healing cards and online or physical curses he does.
Mark comes form a background  of a long time business ownership and sales and everything is very organized and thought throw.
His moldovite crystal was the inspiration and a lot of his work to what I do here as well 🙂
His Palovite Sacred Cleansing sticks are really probably the most powerful there are out today, he works with them and fill them up with healing and energy and paint them with a thin layer of crushed moldovite they are truly powerful and great if you feel the need to remove unwanted information.( there is a small section that talks about them below)
He have many healing YouTube videos you might enjoy as well.
His website is 

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All I can say is wow🙂

As writing this I have the bottle for couple of days.

And after the ark crystal which is located in the bottom of the bottle (and can be easily put or removed with magnates that hold it in place🙂.)

The bottle Is charging the water after the water being in for 20 min or more (leaving it over night work best🙂) after the bottle have charging the water when I pick it up the whole bottle feels different🙂 like the vibration of the water got changed🙂

Nassiem is awesome🙂 I recommend to follow him and his work I have a feeling (and this was confirmed by a channeled session🙂) 

That the ARK crystal will be very popular in pit collective and will help many🙂

The ARK crystal is an investment (1200$ together with the bottle, but If you treated it well and avoid boiling water and putting the crystal in it🙂 and avoid immersing it in water, nassiem explains that boiling water and to much water exposure for crystal may remove the resonance and memory that was put in to it🙂) 

But with avoid this things you may have the ARK crystal for very long time🙂

So it’s a great investment🙂


In the picture the ark crystal bottle🙂 and probably one of the most powerful and healthy combination to do with it 🙂charging  celery juice in it 🙂

You can get the Ark crystal and bottle at- 

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Patrick was and still is (although he passed to the spirit world in 2020) guiding and helping people by his invitations and ideas. 

Patrick recalled his previous life as Nicola Tesla by remembering pacts from that life and starting to build Tesla coils by himself at the age of 12. 

His life although on the outside looked different he had many many similarities to Nicola life like having inventions take From him issues with selling them and other hardships he had ( I guess we continue our karmic lessons for many lives until we resolve them🙂 ).

By the age of 19 he invented (channeled) the neurphone.

Patrick claimed that all his invitations and inspirations came thanks to the neurphone, from the information and downloads I have being receiving about the neurphone it is a gift we received form the spirit world ( from my understanding all of our technology ideas and inspirations come form the spirit world, I guess we continue our work much after we “die” 🙂)

The neurphone producing a certain wave pattern that changes the frequency of our physical brain, and it is joining the left and right hemispheres and by doing it changing the way we see reality it makes us more attuned relaxed and it heighten our intuition.

You may find books that was hard for you to understand and read become much easier.

Tips about using the Neurphone-

For a while I had the thought ( and later understood that Patrick was channeling me this massage) that he never intended for the neurphone to be a pricey invention but to be accessible to a lot of people for a small price( 7 years ago the neurphone was sold for 99$ and now it’s 500-600$) and although he never intended it we live in a time that we appreciate things by giving it value and the value we give it is with Money (instead of buying a new iphone you decide to invest in your state of being and put in priority things over the other) by adding distrubetrs and having people advertising and helping more people to know about the neurphone the price have changed but the neurphone stayed the same , and the parts that was cheaper became more expensive so it’s good to understand that and be gentle with it🙂

Tips how to use it :

  1. I found a very simple way to wear a cup hat when the cup on the other side, you also look cool with it🙂 and the sensors are firmly attached to your forehead (although you can use the sensors anywhere on the body) the sensors look work good this way.

  1. Relax and stop thinking 🙂 for some reason I can’t explain the neurphone producing a sound through the sensors and works much better when I am relaxed and not thinking (or almost 🙂) 

  1. Changing the battery and voltage - as mentioned the neurphone is gentle, and it comes with a small wood piece which works as a way to change the v-9 battery by putting it in the middle of the connectors and gentle pushing it up, and by changing the voltage of the neurphone ( for me I set it close to maximum which takes more battery life but for each one is individual)

  1. Using small drop of oil on the forehead helps the sensors to stick and bring through more current, I use healing oils I make with it🙂.

And last note about the neurphone-

I have found by reading channeled martial that it’s changing the way I perceive reality by connecting to “higher” vibration thoughts that are channeled it’s changing the thinking patterns in our mind and changing the waves pattern in our brain.

I didn’t know of anything else that does that, expect the neurphone 🙂. it feels to me when I use it the same feeing like reading a channeled text but with this you can have all day on you.


Sensor v -

Many people are familiar with geometric patterns and in recent years are using them for healing and many others things.

I was aware of it but never really paid attention to it I felt that crystals do there job wonderfully (and still believe so🙂) I was drawn to Patrick and his work couple of years ago but never really understood what it was.

I feel that we should all wear this sensor but not everyone would be open to it or want to invest (600$+🙂) it took me a while to do so as well but after my guidance was “insisting” I will I get it and never take out since (although it broke one time and needed to be replaced from me giving it too much importance and forgetting that I am the one who gives it power🙂) 

For me the sensor feels like a protective bubble around my bodies (physical,emotional,mental and spiritual) it feels like it covers the aura, the pyramids inside the shape and the perfect geometric shape does the job🙂

After having one of the sensor broken and needed to be switched for a new one it felt different and stronger, It took me a second to figure out why and that a thought came about gold , and I realized that by wearing it all the time and taken showers and go to the ocean with it the gold covering faded, so I really recommend to take it off before shower or baths. it should keep the gold plating for longer and probably a good jeweler can platted again if needed after a while.

Patrick had 4 more sensors before this one and before he passed to spirit he made the 5th one which is the most powerful one.

The sensor and the neurphone can be purchased in many places the one I found is great it is form a guy named sebastian and his website -

Sebastian helped me a lot with questions and with small issues with the neurphone and sensor.

I recommend to get it from him🙂

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Around 4 years ago and after a hurricane that literally I saw form my window,🙂 and after covering our windows with mattress filling our bathtub with water and the sinks and going so far as cutting a peace of grass form the garden down caters so our dog could do his things on it🙂 

I realized that what ever they show on the news in nothing but fear🙂 

and besides giving me anxiety it didn’t help out all🙂( and like everything that when we understand don’t serve us anymore🙂we drop it🙂) 

So since that day of seeing from my window the hurricane and seeing what they show on tv was completely two different things🙂

I stoped watching the news🙂 I can say that everything I need to know I always find out exactly when I need to🙂

And one of the only source of information that I kept was Gaia🙂 

Gaia is like Netflix for spiritually🙂

 and you can find ton of wonderful consciousness expending thing to watch🙂

many of the people and topics I talk about in this site are there , and you can easily find a lot of information about them there🙂

There is a talk show I love to watch and recommend called “opened minds”, great honest show with interviews of very interesting people🙂 

a lot of books in the library came form listening to the Author first there🙂

Highly recommend it🙂 and I am sure you will find much more interesting things to see there as well🙂

I tagged the logo of GAIA and the show🙂

Enjoy ❤️

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sage is a wonderful  “promotion slip” we agreed as a collective to be used to clean and remove unwanted energy from ourselves and the spaces we leave work or just enjoy being at.

Intuitively I feel it’s not the sage that “removes” this energy but the smoke (and of curse the real power is our intention🙂) 

Sage can be used to clean a home that “feels” it has “Heavy” energy in it ( I remember when I was in Israel with my mom she and my step dad bought and apartment together with my step father son and for 5 years was unable to sell the property no matter how much they tried, I remember going with my mom to see the place and it “felt” like it have some heavy energy in it I also checked later with my pendulum and there was some “being” living there too🙂 but most that I felt is my mom’s energy for the place I remember asking her what do you think about the apartment and she said “I thought it was a bad investment from the beginning and I don’t like it at all” 

so we looked together at her thoughts and found some positive things about the place and it helped her to change her mind a bit about it after that I “saged” the whole apartment and we left the windows closed so the smoke can clean the place we came back after an hour and opened the windows and we left healing crystals there, in the next day my step dad told us he don’t know what we did over there but Someone just called and after 3 years of no one really interested in the place had offered twice the amount🙂)

coincidence? Probably not🙂

Did the sage really helped? I really believe so because next time I came to the place it felt much much “lighter”,

But truly what did it was my mom changing the way she felt about the place and we shifted into a reality that the apartment could be sold🙂

A good way to use sage(or any thing that serves the purpose of burning for smoke to come out, candles seems to do good job at keeping a space clean) is make sure it’s burning so as much smoke can come out( please make sure the fire alarm is off🙂) 

You use anything to hold the sage while you use for cleansing sea shells (a large one) seems to work great, go around the house in places you feel collected energy you want to let go off kitchen, bedrooms ,Bathrooms especially in the shower (I guess we think a lot in the shower so the energy stays there) it’s good to go into corners with the sage and doors all around the door work great( I hope I explain it enough with words🙂) it’s really not something default to do🙂

While you do it ask to clean the space and bless it and after all the house (or the place you felt like cleaning) is full of smoke leave it for an hour with widows closed and leave the place, come back and open all the windows to let the smoke out, enjoy your new clean space🙂

It’s recommended to do as frequently as you feel it’s need I do it every morning but feel what’s right for you🙂

So no matter what “promotion slip” we use we should always remember that we are the one that gives it its power🙂

When cleaning your body start with the feet, you can place the sage bowl (or anything you choose to use) on the floor and move your feet 

On top of it (it seems that a lot of energy is collected on the feet) after move up torso focus on your hands and then all the way up an over your had, repeat this process ones or twice until you feel better🙂

You can do ones or twice a day.

On the picture is 2 type of sages on from mark Which is little more expensive and the other form amazon for 5$ that I found to be working great🙂

Enjoy ❤️

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And all the things on his website🙂

Everything that comes from mark is full of love and the vibration of it feels like he put a lot of love, time and healing energy.

The sticks are one of my favorite things to use daily I clean the crystals with them and the house (and myself🙂) they are made from polo santo tree and brought form South America to mark he then brush them with crushed moldovite and feel them with healing energy and only then they go on sell.

They sell for 40 euros for 3 boxes which I feel is a really good price🙂 you can use them by themselves or if you want to have them for longer crush them on sage or something else you use for cleansing.

Marks sage is also great if you want to invest a little more but you can also find good sage on amazon🙂

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Just like we have a physical body that we take care of, we also have a spiritual, emotional, and mental body. 

And just like we go to a doctor when we feel symptoms in our physical body, we should also take care of our other three bodies. 

Energy healing can also help with physical symptoms but usually during a session the energy will focus on the other bodies. Healing energy cleans and removes unwanted energy and information from our auric fields and cleans and cuts away karmic strings that attach us to people with whom we interact. It also opens and balances our energy systems (chakras). 

 When we open ourselves up to healing we allow the spirit of our loved ones to come and help us heal.  Sometimes we can feel more hands giving us the healing and think of our loved ones and feel their presence (they are really closer then we think 😊 )  

Each session is personal and individual and may vary in length and experience.  We all have different things spirit will want to work on. 

Preparing for a session- 

-It is good to come as relaxed as possible without any expectation on what can happen but just to come in allowing yourself to receive healing. 

-During the session just relax and enjoy it.  If you are familiar with meditation go Into a meditative state and if not, just focus on the music and clean your mind. 

-After the session you will probably feel very relaxed and it’s recommended to drink water and sit and relax.  Give yourself another 30 minutes before going back to your daily routine and spirit will linger around and give healing after the session. 

-During the session we will use an energy healing crystal that you will be able to take home with you. It will hold the memory and energy of the session and whenever you need more healing you can just hold it at home or wherever you may be.  It is great to place it with other crystals or just have it with you at home, in the car, or at the office. 

Frequently asked questions-  

-Do I have to be “spiritual” to feel anything during the session? 

The large answer is no. Being open and willing to ask and accept healing is all that is needed.  

Each session is individual as to what you may feel and experience. Sometimes you will just fall asleep and wake up feeling relaxed and much better (just like we go to the doctor to get medicine to help us relax, similarly Spirit can help us to go to sleep so they can work on us more easily)  

-I have some pain I would like to resolve: will the session help me? 

The answer would be not yes or no but to understand that everything we experience is for our growth.  Sometimes we never truly know why things happen to us.  All we should remember is that everything is exactly as it should be. The “spirit doctors” that give us the healing will remove and resolve things that are not in service to us.  

-Can I have more people with me in the room while I am getting the healing? 

The short answer is absolutely, for they will also receive the healing if they come willingly and openly. However, if they come skeptically or just sit in the room, they may unbalance the energy that is coming through. 

-Should i eat right before the session and why I should drink water afterwards? 

It is better to come without eating solid foods an hour or two before the session.  Solid foods make us more grounded to the physical plane. Spirit works on the non -physical planes and we will be more receptive to accepting the healing energy upon drinking more liquids and hour or two before.  

-How should I clean and maintain the crystal I received for the session? 

Crystals collect and record information.  The best way to clean it from unwanted information would be to wash it in the sea and place it in the sun.  After a minute or two it will feel clean and light. 

-How often should I do a session? 

Once per month is enough time to clean ourselves and restore energy, It is on a case by case basis for each person, For some, one session is enough for a few months but for others it may be better to do it more frequently. We should always listen to what our heart says. 

- And lastly, is the healer healing me? And how does the healing happen? 

No one can heal you but yourself. 😊 

The healer acts as a vessel for the healing energy, and you can choose to match the healing energy vibration and allow it to heal yourself. In essence, you are the one who heals yourself.  

Spirit is always around us and gives us healing when we choose to intently receive it. When we are in a designated space for healing it makes spirit job much easier. 

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sessions options :)

Disclaimer- please read before continuing🙂

Healing/readings disclaimer 

I understand that Michael is not a physician or a doctor.

 and the healing and readings come on a spiritual and metaphysical nature and although everything is energy or vibration,  we choose to experience this physical reality and this bodies, and I understand that sometimes this bodies need more care then I can receive by a healing/reading sessions, and If I feel the need I will advice my physician/doctor or will choose to solve my issue by an external solution.

I understand that Michael works by intuition and receives the answers and ideas from our higher self our spirit guidance and our extraterrestrial family,  I understand that because Michael works by intuition sometimes he won’t feel the resonance to respond or book a session,  from the understanding that either the subject was previously covered or their is a lesson to learn from the experience.

 I understand that this doesn’t happen to insult me but to understand that sometimes I will need to grow and learn by myself without advice or a session and I understand that by choosing not to respond it’s not personal for me but something I need to experience and I won’t get offended.

The sessions offered by donation or you can choose to support Michael’s work by purchasing something form his store if you wish to.

From experience I believe that to invest in our selves help us to appreciate and be grateful for what we receiving.

Services options- 

Energy healing session:

(30min - one hour , comes with a personal massage for our spirit family  book recommendation 🙂) 

One session - 70$

Package of 3 - 180$

Package of 6  - 300$

From the beginning of making this website🙂 channeling mediumship and tarot appeared as three different services🙂 recently I understood that the tarot readings include In them all three🙂
So I felt the thing that resonates the most is to offer one thing for all three (channeling,mediumship,tarot)🙂

In the session we will explore the messages in depth together🙂see and explore what our guidance is trying to tell us🙂and look together at things they point out for us to look and change in our life and experience🙂❤️

One session 

Length - 25 min  - 20$

Length - 50 min   - 50$


Clarification sessions🙂

In this session we will dive deeper into understanding concepts that can look confusing to understand them more easily🙂 we will look together at the life blue print🙂and find together what is the most existing thing for us to do in the present life🙂 the sessions designed to help you see things more clearly and will help to empower you🙂 in them you will receive all the information accumulated from many lives times of being a channeler, medium and a tarot reader🙂and will bring through them all the information from the law of one library books🙂 this sessions are the most powerful I offer🙂

Thank you❤️

Mentorship/clarification program🙂

For more deeper exploration of the ideas and concepts on the site, or just for clarification on things that you may feel you stuck on🙂 

 a mentorship of 3 and 6 months program is available🙂 


In the program we will explore ideas/concepts and experiences of -  self realization ,self empowerment, advanced metaphysics, emotional guidance system,channeling, higher mind and higher self,and the I AM teachings you will get access to over 400 books that are truly amazing🙂 and much much more🙂 

the program will be with weekly zoom (or physical meetings🙂) and will have daily dose of massages, inspiration and a lot of love🙂   

The appointments can be done physically or remotely by zoom or Skype.

for questions or to book an appointment🙂 please email me at

*Before booking appointment please take some time to read the disclaimer again,   please note the amount of time of the sessions  will be determined by Michael excitement or intuition, please don’t take the lack of response or an early cancellation of an event or a program personally, but as understanding that what information was needed to be given already did , and you may sit and contemplate it or maybe you need to get the rest from someone else🙂

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